- Approximately 38,000 Industrial or Marine Gas Turbines/Machines
- Manufacturers, Licensees, Associates and Packagers worldwide
- Covers both Heavy-Duty and Aero-Derivative technology engines
- All fuel types
- Simple and Combined Cycle/Regenerative Cycle
- Units ranging from 200 KW-350 MW Simple Cycle; some Combined-Cycle
Packages up to 980 MW
- Power Generation – Baseload, Backup, Standby, Peaking, Cogeneration, and
Shipboard Electrical Generation
- Mechanical Drives – Oil & Gas, Pumping and Compression, Process, and
other applications
- Marine Propulsion
This intuitive, user-friendly online database lists some 14,200 plants worldwide, totaling more than 37,000 machines installed as far back as 1950. Planned installations through the year 2034 are also featured. This database allows you to explore new market opportunities or investigate aftermarket potential. This service is a must have for those who need to know Where the Equipment Is, Who Owns It, and Who Operates It. The database covers both heavy-duty and aeroderivative GTs used in any and all industrial applications, as well as for marine propulsion, and is continuously updated.
Searches can be implemented to custom tailor your report, enabling you to carve out only the information required. This service allows you to save and download your information in an
Excel spreadsheet for easy data manipulation.
Key Data Fields Are
- Manufacturer (over 100)
- Model/Variant
- Plant, with Location (contact data when available)
- Customer (Owner, with contact data when available)
- Location, Country, Region
- Configuration/Cycle
- Power Rating (kW & HP)
- Fuel Type, Fuel Used
- Application
- Installation Year
- Status Codes (Operational, Planned, etc.)
- Number of Units
- Remarks Field (the Remarks section for each record provides additional information on Driven Equipment, Emissions-Reduction Equipment, and Packaging, along with other pertinent
information as applicable).
Reasons to Buy Our Products and Services:
- FI provides world-class quality results in the most cost-effective way.
- We offer unmatched convenience. Our online and Platinum individual reports, analyses, and appendices are provided in Microsoft® Word for fast downloading and printing. Our unit and value
production forecasts are provided as Excel spreadsheets for easy data manipulation.
- Forecast International stands alone in providing EMarket Alerts on breaking industry news and recent developments as a standard feature of all subscriptions. These Alerts are a popular companion to our market
intelligence services.
- Our online market intelligence products and services are available on demand, allowing global access 24/7 via an assigned user name and password.
Who Should Buy FI Market Intelligence Products and Services
- Component Suppliers & Distributors
- Consulting Firms
- Contractors (primary and subcontractors)
- Engineering and Construction Companies
- Industrial Plant Managers
- Investment Firms
- OEMs
About Forecast International:
- The keys to our 50+ years of success have been our ability to acquire highly relevant and current information from diverse sources worldwide, and to comprehensively process and intelligently interpret this data to perform critical, detailed qualitative and quantitative analyses.
- Our proprietary databases, continuously updated, contain vast amounts of exclusive global market intelligence information, technical specifications, and market statistics.
- Forecast International analysts, researchers and consultants bring an unparalleled depth of knowledge and perspective to their work. Our goal is to provide you with the marketing intelligence you need to make
sound business decisions quickly and accurately, in the most cost-effective way.