Advanced technologies and new operational concepts will drive procurement in the warships market. Warships Forecast, authored by Richard Sterk covers the key submarine, aircraft carrier, surface combatant, amphibious warfare, and underway replenishment programs that will dominate the warship industry over the next decade and beyond. It details the market impact of numerous key programs, including the Franco-Italian FREMM class frigate, the Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carrier, and the SSN-774 Virginia class submarine. Each report contains a full design history of the ship, an extensive list of major contractors and subcomponent suppliers, and a wealth of information on the ship's performance and operational capabilities. This service also contains reports covering key naval weapons, manned surface and subsurface vehicles, and the marine gas turbine engines that power today's warships. An annual subscription includes 88 individual reports, most with a 10-year unit production forecast. Product comes complete with four Market Segment Analyses covering the markets for:
Also included are nine appendices, including consolidated production statistics, an overview of surface warfare and undersea warfare that presents a closer and more detailed look at the technologies and developments in these key operational environments, a listing of U.S. Navy ships currently in construction, and other pertinent complementary data. A key part of each subscription is a custom-tailored EMarket Alert newsletter providing the latest news on your market of interest. A sampling of featured articles is sent twice weekly to your email address. An unmatched value. Your private "Client Query Number" allows immediate access to our Analysts via email or toll-free phone number. An essential benefit when you need additional information or clarification. |
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