- Program Review – A review of program milestones and
significant recent developments.
- 10-Year Outlook – A 10-year unit or value of production
forecast of the market, broken out by year.
- Forecast Rationale – Details the reasoning used by the
Analyst to derive the numerical forecast.
- Timetable – A synopsis of key historical events that have
shaped the program, plus anticipated dates of future milestones.
- Technical, Performance & Pricing Data – Multi-sourced
data is provided in U.S. & International standard measurements, as
- Variants – Detailed descriptions of all system variants
and their differences and similarities.
- Upgrades – Provides the status of retrofit and
modernization programs under way or planned (where applicable).
- Contracts – Government/industry contracts that impact
sales and production of the subject platform or system.
- Funding – For military programs, specific funding
appropriated/authorized for RDT&E & production (when available).
- Worldwide Distribution – How many have
been sold worldwide, and to whom.
- Contractors – Primes and subcontractors. Contains contact
information (address, phone, fax, Web, email) and system/component
- Orders & Options - Reported orders, options,
cancellations and deferrals, with details on customers and delivery
Market Segment Analyses
Market Segment Analyses explore the key programs and
players in niche market segments, and provide a comprehensive review of the
competitive dynamics of the individual segments. Typically, Analyses provide an
in-depth discussion of the principal market motivators and constraints, 10-year
unit and value of production forecasts, and numerous tables and graphs depicting
the projected market trends and the shares of the participating firms. Each
Analysis is accompanied by an MS® Excel Workbook containing expanded
spreadsheets and statistical tables, plus corresponding manufacturer data and
supporting graphics.
Supplements and Service Updates All Intelligence Service
reports, analyses and appendices are updated via regular supplementation. In
addition, special Interim Updates are issued periodically to cover dynamic
program developments. As an added feature, each supplement is accompanied
by a Highlights report summarizing key developments and providing editorial
comment and perspective.
Statistical & Graphical MS® Excel Workbook
Presentations Regardless of the publishing format selected,
subscribers to most of our Market Intelligence Services receive consolidated
10-year unit and value spreadsheets detailing the production forecasts in
MS® Excel Workbooks. These invaluable tools provide a
cross-section outlook of the market and enable users to perform their own custom
A key part of each subscription is a custom-tailored EMarket Alert newsletter providing the latest news on your market of interest. A sampling of featured articles is sent twice weekly to your email address.
An unmatched value. |
Your private "Client Query Number" allows immediate access to our Analysts via email or toll-free phone number. An essential benefit when you need additional information or clarification. |